Going Deeper Ministry meets at Hub4Hope Ministry Center located six miles south of Levelland, Texas on Highway 385 (the Brownfield Highway). We are on the east side of the highway, just north of the Sundown turn-off.
Our teaching is a compilation of several excellent Bible-based teachers, ministries, books, and podcasts. We encourage you to check them out, here are a few:
Guy Walker - Barn Church of Hereford http://www.barnchurch.com/
International House of Prayer - Kansas City http://www.ihopkc.org/
Mike Bickle http://mikebickle.org/
Francis Chan http://www.francischan.org/
Dorman Duggan - New Life Restoration Center http://www.newlifehereford.com/
Royce Riggin - Waterhose Ministries http://waterhoseministries.com/
Tracy Spencer - Follow Thru Fellowship
Matt Chandler - The Village Church http://www.thevillagechurch.net/
Graham Cooke - Brilliant Perspectives https://www.brilliantperspectives.com/
Bethel Ministries - https://www.bethel.com/ministries/
Kris Vallotton - https://krisvallotton.com/